The Cross of Hendaye (CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR FULL ARTICLE) is a key link in the evidence pointing to a 2012 end-of-the-world catastrolypse. The modern fame of the Hendaye cross is largely due to the work of "Fulcanelli," a shadowy figure purported to be a French mystic and alchemist. Fulcanelli's true identity has been hotly debated over the years, argued over by learned scholars of alchemy, students of The DaVinci Code and, for some reason, Frank Zappa. No, seriously.
Speculation over the years has included that he may have been a well-known physicist, a member of the French royal family, an artist and occultist, or even one of the "Sweathogs" from the TV show Welcome Back Kotter.
Two books about alchemy were published in France during the 1920s under Fulcanelli's name, the most famous being "The Mystery of the Cathedrals" (or Les anoraks sur le loup-garou in the original French). Other publications attributed to Fulcanelli include Dwellings of the Philosophers (or Les pamplemeuses de Jean-Luc Picard) and a final unpublished work "Finis Gloriae Mundi" or "End of the World's Glory," co-written with his protege Eugene Canseliet.
Occult authorities tell many stories about the elusive master alchemist, including unconfirmed tales such as:
Fulcanelli's fame ballooned in 1960 with the publication of "Morning of the Magicians" (or Quel dommages les pommes sont mauvaises in the original French), which provided a popular exploration of modern occult theories and philosophies for a mass audience and featured the Fulcanelli mythos prominently. This popularization led to a resurgence of interest in Fulcanelli's analysis of alchemical symbology as it could purportedly be found hidden throughout the world.
In his works, Fulcanelli described how the symbols of alchemy were secretly encoded into the Great Cross of Hendaye, a monument now found at an obscure church in southern France. As decoded by Fulcanelli, the Hendaye cross shows that ancient alchemists were able to tie together their knowledge of the cosmos with that of the Biblical Book of Revelations and the Hindu Yuga system of cosmology to calculate the approaching end of the world.
According to leading 2012 researcher Jay Weidner, the secret geometry of the Great Cross displays hypercubes, vortexes and tetrahedrons which allow us to directly calibrate the end of our current age. Following on the ancient knowledge of the alchemists, the Bible and the Hindus, we are warned that the birth of an entirely new age of humanity is upon us. To be honest I didn't completely follow it, but it looks like actual math is involved, so I'm pretty sure we should go along with it.
The secrets of the 2012 catastrolypse are not all as obvious as the end of the Mayan calendar (CLICK HERE to read our detailed analysis of its portents of doom), the prophecies of Nostradamus (see here for our detailed explanation), or the graphic depictions of Himalaya-destroying tsunamis in the popular documentary film "2012". Some secrets are hidden in obscure locations and protected by layers of symbolism and arcane knowledge, concealing terrible things such as the secrets of the world's end, or the dialogue in a Dan Brown novel.
One such key to the 2012 mystery is encoded in the famed Cross of Hendaye. The Great Cross there hides a prophecy that can only be unlocked with the knowledge of medieval mysticism, alchemy, the works of shadowy occultist Fulcanelli, the philosophy of Chilaism, and possibly the Dewey Decimal System.
Located in the coastal village of Hendaye on the French/Spanish border is the Church of Saint-Vincent. Outside that church is a stone cross, rumored to have been created in Germany during the 1600s at the behest of the Rosicrucians but later moved to Hendaye in the 1800s. This may have been because someone asked the Cross whether it wanted to live in Germany or in a French resort town.
The Great Cross of Hendaye is, unusually for a Christian monument, inscribed with a variety of alchemical symbols of unknown meaning. When interpreted in a certain (i.e. "correct") way, they are believed to represent a schematic of the legendary alchemists' Philosopher's Stone and provide detailed clues to the end of the world.
The modern fame of the Cross of Hendaye is largely due to the work of "Fulcanelli," a shadowy figure purported to be a 20th century French alchemist and occult writer. (CLICK HERE to read our detailed analysis of Fulcanelli's part in the coming 2012 catastrolypse.) Using detailed knowledge of alchemy, medieval occultism and ancient texts, Fulcanelli interpreted the Cross of Hendaye as a hidden guide to the world's end.
Some researchers have called this "the great MacGuffin of human history." (As the reader doubtless knows, a "MacGuffin" is a term coined by Benjamin Franklin to mean the central object of a movie's plot which drives the action but may later turn out to be less relevant to the ensuing developments. Examples include the "Maltese Falcon" in the film of the same name or the Magic Hair Cream in "Grease.")
So what does the Cross of Hendaye really tell us? The indisputable facts are:
The cross also "hints at a 'Place of Refuge' that will be untouched by the calamities." It is believed by some scholars that this refers to Cusco, Peru; while others believe it is a very specific plot of land in El Rancho, Colorado - address available upon request - which it just coincidentally happens that you can buy at very inflated prices if you're interested.
When looking at the groups that may be behind the coming 2012 catastrolypse and doom-a-thon, one of the most frequently mentioned likely conspirators is the elusive secret society known as the Illuminati. While it may sound innocent like a new kind of Italian sports car or a high-tech flashlight with built-in MP3 player, it is in fact a sinister cabal which has dedicated itself to clandestine operation in the service of a new world order for hundreds of years. And not in a good way.
The "Bavarian Illuminati" was a society founded on May 1 1776 in Ingolstadt, Upper Bavaria, by a professor named Adam Weishaupt. The group called itself the "Order of Perfectibilists," and modeled its structure after that of the freemasons but with a greater emphasis on secrecy and hiding its members' identities. The group was influenced by many of the common Enlightenment ideals of the age including Deism, empiricism and the abolition of monarchies.
But Weishaupt also had a more radical vision of the future where man had been "perfected" and lived in harmony with nature, freed from government and organized religion. (Little-known fact: nearly 200 years later, Weishaupt would rise from the grave as a zombie to sue John Lennon for copyright infringement over the lyrics to the song Imagine.)
The Illuminati grew over time to include many notable German intellectuals of the day, and drew many of its members from Masonic lodges. It reportedly had more than 10,000 members at its height. However, in 1784 the ruler of Bavaria banned all secret societies. Weishaupt was exiled, the group was infiltrated by government agents, and by 1785 it had ceased to exist in its original form.
But the image of the Illuminati - with its secretive ways, elusive membership and stridently anti-religion, anti-government philosophies - lived on in many conspiracy theories long after after the organization itself had disappeared. In 1797 a Jesuit priest (unsurprisingly not a huge fan of the anti-religion Illuminati) published claims that the French Revolution had secretly been directed by the hidden group. (After this was revealed, no emperor of France ever sent a Christmas card to the Illuminati again.) The 1921 book World Revolution, the Plot Against Civilization ascribed to the Illuminati every revolution over the previous 130 years, possibly even including the Industrial Revolution and the Evolution Revolution. The founder of the right-wing John Birch Society once publicly claimed that the Illuminati controlled both sides in the Vietnam War, which seems like terrible indecisiveness to me. Claims of Illuminati plans for world domination have proliferated dramatically in the past 30 years, including many suggestions of an Illuminati hand behind the New World Order which will enslave the globe in 2012.
Some readers might suggest that there is no hard evidence that the Illuminati survived beyond 1785 as a group, and that conspiracy theorists have inexplicably attributed vast global powers to what was in fact a tiny regional debating society which has been defunct for more than two centuries. These readers are wrong, and stupid. And they smell like poo-poo.
But who are the modern Illuminati? Speculation ranges widely, including:
So what do we really know? By taking this research and evaluating it critically, we know that the Illuminati are a society of Jewish bankers, born-again Christian politicians and black hip-hop moguls. Their methods include faked terrorist attacks, global economic sabotage, and alterations of the US one-dollar bill. They are dedicated to bringing on the 2012 apocalypse, dominating the MTV video charts through intimidation and assassination, posting "pro-Hedwig" materials on Harry Potter fan sites, and mercilessly harassing sawmill entrepreneurs. If that doesn't clinch the case for 2012, I'm not sure what does.
Among the numerous giganto-catastrolypses facing the earth in 2012, one of the best known is the Earth's incipient polar shift. Through a variety of methods - some involving actual math and numbers - many 2012 researchers have pinpointed 2012 as the date for a polar reversal with the potential to devastate the planet, obliterate civilization and cause a statistically significant increase in airline delays in and out of Chicago O'Hare airport.
But what does a polar shift really mean? The term may refer to one of two different phenomena, either or both of which could literally turn the world upside down. This would turn the Earth into a "Bizarro World" where the sun rose in the West, up was down, dogs and cats lived together in harmony, Canadians were rude, the Washington Redskins won the NFC East and the band Nickelback didn't suck.
It is a well-known scientific phenomenon that Earth's magnetic poles periodically shift - turning the magnetic "North" pole into the "South" pole and vice-versa. This event, known as a geomagnetic reversal or magnetic polar shift, occurs with varying regularity throughout Earth's history, ranging from frequent shifts every 250,000 years to long "superchrons" in which no polar shift is seen for up to 50 million years.
The Earth's last magnetic field reversal occurred 800,000 years ago, making us either 550,000 years overdue or 49.2 million years early. However, the combination of recent scientific data and good old fashioned hysteria have helped 2012 researchers pinpoint the due date for the next reversal as - wait for it - December 21, 2012.
Much of the concern over magnetic flips is driven by scientists themselves: the Sun reverses its own magnetic field every 11 years, and astronomers have identified its next upcoming change as taking place in 2012. Then research data about changes in the Earth's magnetic field published in 2002 began to drive wide speculation. The PBS series Nova fretted over whether the Earth's magnetic field was beginning to change or even disappearing entirely. Even the UK newspaper The Guardian - from a country known for its level-headed reasonableness and drunken fistfights during soccer games - declared in a banner headline "Sun's rays to roast Earth as poles flip."
This sounds like a pretty open and shut case for a Super Sized Value Meal of Magnetic Pole Reversal Doom in 2012. But the sinister misinformationists at NASA would have you believe that "during a magnetic flip ... Reversals take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time--contrary to popular belief--the magnetic field does not vanish. It just gets more complicated ... A south magnetic pole might emerge over Africa, for instance, or a north pole over Tahiti. Weird. But it's still a planetary magnetic field, and it still protects us from space radiation and solar storms." Or so they would have you believe.
If you feel that magnetic reversal sounds too gradual, predictable and even plausible, then this is the theory for you. Even more frightening is the concept of a cataclysmic pole shift in which the Earth's rotational axis physically changes.
Most proponents of the physical reversal theory believe that in 2012 the Earth may slip onto its side or completely alter its axial spin. Even a casual glance of the Internets will demonstrate the overwhelming evidence for a coming polar shift.
One website focused on helping those in the greater Scranton, PA area survive warns us that a catastrophic physical pole shift is imminent due to the return of the rogue 12th planet (see our coverage). The site predicted all this would occur in 2003, but I don't think that's any reason to discredit its scientific reasoning or excellent advice on saving seeds for post-apocalyptic gardening. (Fortunately, another site dedicated to the Pole Shift - inspired by the author's "astonishing" visions while having a bad case of the flu - informs us that the predictions of a pole shift for May 15, 2003 were just "misinformation by Shadow people to confuse all of us," meaning that you still haven't missed the chance to wear that special outfit you had picked out just for an extrasolar collision and global catastrophe.)
Another prediction is that the pole shift will cause everyone in New York City to instantaneously fall 2,000 feet to their deaths. This data comes from the highly trained and well-grounded professional geologists populating the "" 2012 forums warn of the results. Get it? Well grounded? Geologists? Oh, forget it.
According to famed 2012 researcher Patrick Geryl, "Scientifically [pole shift] can only be explained by the fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with a huge disaster of unknown proportions." Now, "unknown proportions" sounds vague to us - for example, is it bigger than a breadbox? Fortunately for those concerned with quantifying their doom, Patrick states clearly that "life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror ... The earth will be subjected to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description. Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources will have been completely destroyed." This definitely sounds bigger than a breadbox. Fortunately Patrick also mentions that you can buy his books to learn how to survive the catastrophe - or at least make sure your good china is bolted down when the Earth's rotation stops and life becomes an unending misery much like watching reruns of "Mama's Family."
One man who has tirelessly warned of the impending pole shift in 2012 is Carl Petersen (visionary, tax exile and seller of portable sawmilling equipment) at his website Petersen, following the theories of Charles Hapgood, warns us that the weight of ice at the Earth's poles may cause the planet to tilt over. This, combined with the tides created by the moon and the sun, will pull on the lava underneath the ground - something about the center of the planet spinning faster than the crust - something about the abolition of income taxes - OK, I got lost before the end of the explanation.
But that's not important right now. What is important is that Carl isn't just whining about impending doom, he's doing something about it. Carl has identified the place on the planet where you can go to survive the catastrophes of the future, and do it in style. Carl is seeking like-minded visionaries to help him build a post-apocalyptic society on the island of Santos in the tiny Pacific nation of Vanuatu. From there, you can live in protection from disasters, enjoy perfect weather and cheer on the Vanuatu national cricket team. And also experience the occasional magnitude 7+ earthquake.
Predictably, scientists have dutifully served the conspiracy by making outrageous claims such as that polar shift is an incredibly rare phenomenon which has take place only a few times in the history of the solar system, and appears in no way likely to recur on Earth.
While so-called "scientists" with so-called "advanced degrees" from so-called "accredited universities" may try to brainwash the public with their so-called "facts," those of us in the know are on to their little game. While the particular cause or effects of the coming planetary shift may be subject to debate, the fact that we are all pretty much hosed remains incontrovertible.
Any of you who have seen the popular documentary "2012" will know that when the catastrolypse strikes, worldwide devastation on an epic scale will ensue. Even a smaller catastrophe like a simple massive cometary impact could cause significant inconvenience to those living in the areas destroyed by hypersonic shock waves. What can you do to avoid either - and hopefully both - of these outcomes?
Many researchers have posed their thoughts on where you can weather the death-a-palooza, then cheerfully emerge into a post-apocalyptic world not unlike the video game "Fallout." Where do the authorities point us to?
With so many conflicting theories on where to go on 12/21/2012, what can a savvy survivalist do?
While some people try to get you to purchase expensive books, tapes or other materials to learn how to avert the apocalypse, 2012omg makes it easy and free! We have scientifically identified the precise safest spot to survive the coming 2012 disaster. Rather than charge you to learn the location, we're telling you at no cost! So where is this magical place to guarantee your safety and security while those around you perish in flames?
It's at our EXCLUSIVE 2012OMG TIMESHARE RESORT IN SCENIC EL RANCHO, COLORADO! Rather than reading heavy, word-filled "books" and then having to trudge out into the mountains and build your own drafty survival shelter, why not purchase a timeshare in a luxury condominium and survive in style? This way, you will not only live to see the wreckage of our civilization in 2013, you will have made a strategic investment in real estate - the only investment guaranteed never ever to go down in value for any reason! Best of all, our 2012omg Luxury Timeshare Condos feature amenities such as:
Visit today and as a bonus you will receive our sales pitch at NO COST! Call today for more information - there is no possible way you will regret it.