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The TRUTH about 2012:

Part 1: Sources of ancient wisdom:

Nostradamus Had the Scoop, in a Very Obfuscated Way

Nostradamus portrait by Cesar

Michel de Nostradame (or "Notredame") (or "Nostradamus" as he later Latinized his name) (or "The N-Dog" as he was known to his friends) was a French prophet who lived between the years 1503 and 1566. Following a career in medicine, he became fascinated with the occult and began writing books of prophecies. He became the Jeane Dixon of the mid-sixteenth century, with his prophetic advice sought by nobles and the wealthy.

Fearing persecution by the Catholic authorities in France as a heretic, Nostradamus sometimes obscured his prophecies through a combination of word games and use of multiple languages - most notably in his masterwork Les Propheties ("The Prophecies"), which began publication in 1555. Nostradamus based his prophecies on his understanding of judicial astrology, which at the time was considered a science and not inherently heretical. (Of course, modern authorities inform us that Nostradamus knew he was headed for Hell because of his occult interests.) The vague nature of the prophecies helped make them popular with his clients - eventually including the Queen Consort of France - who could read them in many ways.

Prophecies of Nostradamus original copy held by the University of Texas San Antonio

Nostradamus eventually published more than 6,300 "quatrains" of prophecy, although a small number of his later prophecies have not survived to modern times. His most popular works included Les Propheties as well as annual "almanacs" of prophecies which he issued each year from 1550 until his death in 1568. Many of his prophecies are based on the contents of the Mirabilis Liber, a book of prophecies which was basically The Late, Great Planet Earth of the 1520s. The works of Nostradamus include not only prophecies but medical textbooks (including information on the preparation of cosmetics) as well as a translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics (called the Orus Apollo) which turned out to be completely wrong. Due to the book publishing processes of the time, in which typesetting was done by dictation, numerous differences are found between different editions of Nostradamus's works.

The Judas Priest album Nostradamus

We can see from scholarly research that Nostradamus accurately predicted many events, including:

Or maybe he didn't. But whatever.

Some critics, no doubt controlled by insidious forces in the Mainstream Media, the Government and/or major corporations have made so-called "debunking" claims like that the popularity of his quatrains is due to the ardent horde of his disciples who continue to this day to hyperbolize, bowdlerize, and invent in order to perpetuate his fame." Other tools of our corporate overlords will perpetuate bunk like the idea that Nostradamus was writing deliberately vague predictions about 16th-century Europe which pleased his clients but were difficult if not impossible to disprove. But I think we all know better.

However, Internet sites containing highly-enriched truthium like SatansRapture.com, Nostradamus2012.com, 2012-decoded.com and others show us the truth - that the predictions of Nostradamus indicate:

These websites also provide insights including the fact that President Obama is the predicted 2012 antichrist. We think the conclusion is obvious: that Nostradamus is telling us from beyond the grave that imminent disaster is looming for the Earth in 2012. Combined with what is already known about the ominous predictions of the ancient Mayans about 12/21/2012, the coincidence is unmistakable. Given his uncanny accuracy in predicting other things which are vaguely described and happened later, the evidence is overwhelming.

Part 2: Evidence of the coming catastrolypse:

The Hidden Secrets of the Cross of Hendaye - and Boy Are There a Lot of Them

The secrets of the 2012 catastrolypse are not all as obvious as the end of the Mayan calendar (CLICK HERE to read our detailed analysis of its portents of doom), the prophecies of Nostradamus (see here for our detailed explanation), or the graphic depictions of Himalaya-destroying tsunamis in the popular documentary film "2012". Some secrets are hidden in obscure locations and protected by layers of symbolism and arcane knowledge, concealing terrible things such as the secrets of the world's end, or the dialogue in a Dan Brown novel.

One such key to the 2012 mystery is encoded in the famed Cross of Hendaye. The Great Cross there hides a prophecy that can only be unlocked with the knowledge of medieval mysticism, alchemy, the works of shadowy occultist Fulcanelli, the philosophy of Chilaism, and possibly the Dewey Decimal System.

Located in the coastal village of Hendaye on the French/Spanish border is the Church of Saint-Vincent. Outside that church is a stone cross, rumored to have been created in Germany during the 1600s at the behest of the Rosicrucians but later moved to Hendaye in the 1800s. This may have been because someone asked the Cross whether it wanted to live in Germany or in a French resort town.

The Great Cross of Hendaye is, unusually for a Christian monument, inscribed with a variety of alchemical symbols of unknown meaning. When interpreted in a certain (i.e. "correct") way, they are believed to represent a schematic of the legendary alchemists' Philosopher's Stone and provide detailed clues to the end of the world.

The modern fame of the Cross of Hendaye is largely due to the work of "Fulcanelli," a shadowy figure purported to be a 20th century French alchemist and occult writer. (CLICK HERE to read our detailed analysis of Fulcanelli's part in the coming 2012 catastrolypse.) Using detailed knowledge of alchemy, medieval occultism and ancient texts, Fulcanelli interpreted the Cross of Hendaye as a hidden guide to the world's end.

Some researchers have called this "the great MacGuffin of human history." (As the reader doubtless knows, a "MacGuffin" is a term coined by Benjamin Franklin to mean the central object of a movie's plot which drives the action but may later turn out to be less relevant to the ensuing developments. Examples include the "Maltese Falcon" in the film of the same name or the Magic Hair Cream in "Grease.") Temple of the Rosy Cross

So what does the Cross of Hendaye really tell us? The indisputable facts are:

The cross also "hints at a 'Place of Refuge' that will be untouched by the calamities." It is believed by some scholars that this refers to Cusco, Peru; while others believe it is a very specific plot of land in El Rancho, Colorado - address available upon request - which it just coincidentally happens that you can buy at very inflated prices if you're interested.

Part 3: Evil agents behind the conspiracy:

More Unnecessary Sequels: The Fourth Reich

Adolf Hitler

When looking for the true evil conspiracy behind the coming 2012 catastrolypse, the first place to look is obviously: the Nazis. Don't let their apparent defeat 65 years ago at the hands of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Josef Stalin or Indiana Jones fool you: they are very much around and still plotting to take over the world, enslave non-Aryan peoples and force everyone to purchase Volkswagens. They just appear to be taking their time about it.

The Nazis are astonishingly still around - just like Blockbuster Video

The Corporate Media perpetuates the myth that the danger of the Third Reich purportedly ended in 1945 with flimsily documented events like Hitler's death; Germany's capitulation and subsequent partition for 44 years; the capture of the Nazi regime's surviving leaders and their suicides or imprisonment or execution after the Nuremberg trials; and the decades-long search for Nazi escapees. Dupes of the Corporate Media and their (potentially alien) overlords will also spew bunk like saying that if the Nazis had massive hidden resources and advanced secret weapons, they might have used them to do something trivial like "win World War II." However, those with an eye for the truth know better.

Nuremberg trial

Just take a quick look around the truthiness-saturated Internets and you will find clear evidence of the Nazis' survival. These include the insidious "Operation Paperclip" in which Nazi scientists were secreted away and the Gestapo was absorbed by the CIA; the "Boys from Brazil" secret defection of Nazis to South America (note: if you search for "Boys from Brazil" on Google, turn the image search to "safe" mode); and the sinister plots to save Hitler's brain and/or clone Hitler's feet.

The Fourth Reich

You may be thinking, "a fourth reich? I have trouble keeping track of the first three." While this is a common problem, it's vital to understand what the "fourth reich" conspiracy is and how the Nazi collaboration with the New World Order may culminate in a 2012 world takeover. According to Wikipedia, "This neo-Nazi conspiracy is said to be animated by an 'Iron Dream' in which the American Empire, having overthrown its Zionist Occupation Government, gradually establishes the Fourth Reich, formally known as the 'Western Imperium,' a pan-Aryan world empire modeled after Adolf Hitler's New Order and the religious aspects of Nazism, as the best hope for the survival of Western civilization under the threat of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy." Got all that?

But who are the conspirators behind this fourth reich to come? Will this modern German reich result in wholesale destruction and enslavement of humanity? Or will they just promote St. Pauli Girl beer and make Amtrak finally run on schedule? Possibly both. So what, really, is the fourth reich?

So to be honest it looks like the whole Fourth Reich thing is really disorganized and just not getting it done in terms of having a really solid plan to enslave the world by 2012. Frankly these groups all need to buy DayPlanners and maybe hold some touch-base calls every so often, o r they are totally going to get left behind by the other sinister organizations that are really focused on their 2012 plans - like the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and the Girl Scouts. But you didn't hear about that last one from us.

Part 4: Vehicle of Earth's destruction or salvation:

Approaching Doom From the Rogue Planet Nibiru

I think we can all agree that if there is one government agency that is most engaged in nefarious projects executed in the utmost secrecy, it is NASA. Can they really expect us to believe they spend hundreds of millions of dollars launching space shuttles to deliver exercise machines and 2nd graders' science projects into orbit? Given NASA's $18 billion annual budget, the rest of the money must be going somewhere besides bulk purchases of Tang. Clearly NASA is up to something ... and what could be more central to their mission than covering up the imminent collision with the earth of a rogue planet?


Modern Earthlings were first made aware of the unavoidable close encounter between Earth and a rogue planet via Wisconsin-based Nancy Lieder, who receives messages from extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system and has her own website. After faking out the authorities by predicting a May 2003 collision which did not occur, the Zeta aliens revealed the arrival of "Planet X" would be later ... perhaps even in 2012. Coincidence? Not bloody likely.

Many 2012 researchers have made the logical conclusion that the "Planet X" nobody has yet definitely identified is the same as the "Planet Nibiru" originally described by researcher Zecharia Sitchin, which nobody has definitely identified either. Sitchin translated ancient Sumerian texts and discovered that their ancient gods were in fact aliens from a rogue planet called "Nibiru" which intersects with Earth's orbit every 3,600 years. This regular transit allows the Anunnaki (Sumerian gods) to visit with earthlings as it passes through the solar system. The Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012 is based on the return of one of the Nibiru "gods," known to the Mayans as Quetzlcoatl. Sitchin himself has claimed that the Mayan calendar has been misunderstood and Nibiru's next return will not occur until 2087, but I think we all know better.

Nibiru in the solar system

Eventually, other 2012 researchers began exploring this heretofore unknown rogue planet and found shocking evidence of confirming Nibiru's imminent arrival. Some of these proofs are known to contain actual math and numbers - which is the same thing as science. Upon its arrival, what will happen? To quote the Bible, "ye are all totally f***ed." According to SurvivingNibiru.com, potential effects include: earthquakes; super volcanoes; 200+ mph winds worldwide; and "a quick pole shift will take place, causing the oceans to rush over the continents." Other possible effects include the Earth's rotation stopping; nuclear winter; global warming; and the Washington Redskins reaching the NFL playoffs because all the other teams have been killed by the oceans rushing over the continents.

Fearing the wrath of the authorities conspiring to cover up Nibiru's return, even this website attempts to stem the imminent worldwide chaos due to Nibiru's passage with cleverly worded disclaimers like "SurvivingNibiru.com, nor does anyone else know one way or the other if Nibiru is Real or not. You will not find any DATA on this website, or hear where we tell you in a video that Nibiru is coming." However, it's pretty clear that everyone knows that a.) Nibiru is coming and will cause massive worldwide devastation, b.) NASA is instrumental in the coverup; and c.) Daniel Snyder is an even worse NFL owner than Al Davis. READ BETWEEN THE LINES, PEOPLE!

Putting all this scientific knowledge together, the hopes for the Earth to survive 2012 seem slim indeed.

Part 5: How you can save yourself (or die more efficiently):

Go To Your Happy Place

Any of you who have seen the popular documentary "2012" will know that when the catastrolypse strikes, worldwide devastation on an epic scale will ensue. Even a smaller catastrophe like a simple massive cometary impact could cause significant inconvenience to those living in the areas destroyed by hypersonic shock waves. What can you do to avoid either - and hopefully both - of these outcomes?

Where do researchers claim you can be safe?

Many researchers have posed their thoughts on where you can weather the death-a-palooza, then cheerfully emerge into a post-apocalyptic world not unlike the video game "Fallout." Where do the authorities point us to?

With so many conflicting theories on where to go on 12/21/2012, what can a savvy survivalist do?

The easy way to survive - through attractive real estate investment!

While some people try to get you to purchase expensive books, tapes or other materials to learn how to avert the apocalypse, 2012omg makes it easy and free! We have scientifically identified the precise safest spot to survive the coming 2012 disaster. Rather than charge you to learn the location, we're telling you at no cost! So where is this magical place to guarantee your safety and security while those around you perish in flames?

It's at our EXCLUSIVE 2012OMG TIMESHARE RESORT IN SCENIC EL RANCHO, COLORADO! Rather than reading heavy, word-filled "books" and then having to trudge out into the mountains and build your own drafty survival shelter, why not purchase a timeshare in a luxury condominium and survive in style? This way, you will not only live to see the wreckage of our civilization in 2013, you will have made a strategic investment in real estate - the only investment guaranteed never ever to go down in value for any reason! Best of all, our 2012omg Luxury Timeshare Condos feature amenities such as:

Visit today and as a bonus you will receive our sales pitch at NO COST! Call today for more information - there is no possible way you will regret it.

Or is this just what THEY want you to believe? Click HERE to see the REAL truth!

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