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Nazi UFO Attack From Antarctica

By now, it is well known that the German Nazi movement survived World War II and is planning a "Fourth Reich" in combination with the forces of the "New World Order" to take over and enslave the planet. I mean, I think we can all pretty much call that one a no-brainer and move on.

But what few are aware of is the irrefutable evidence that the Nazis developed UFO technology, nuclear weapons and established a secret base in Antarctica - where they have bred hybrid uber-snowmen and sustained their ongoing plot against the Free World. Granted, given that World War II ended some 65 years ago, they seem to be taking their time about it; but far be it from us to lecture the Germans about being punctual. At any rate - it is believed by some researchers that an attack by Nazi superweapons will be the true destructive force that ends the world as we know it in 2012.

German UFOs and superweapons

As has been widely reported and thoroughly documented, the Nazis developed a wide range of hyper-advanced technologies. (Even Google is kind enough to provide readers with a handy timeline of Nazi Superweapons development!) These technologies include:

Secret Nazi Antarctica base

That may be all well and good, but how are the Nazis using this technology to conquer the world in 2012?

According to AboveTopSecret.com, there are eye-witness accounts confirming that the Nazis built a secret base in Antarctica where they developed advanced technologies and conducted secret UFO and cloning experiments, which is pretty much what you would expect Nazis to do.

Nazi Antarctic UFO Bases

Based on information from many many sources, including the actual published book "Above Top Secret: Uncover the Mysteries of the Digital Age," and confirmed in the also actually published book "Adolf Hitler and the Secrets of the Holy Lance," we know that there is confirmed evidence that:

All of those involved could not confirm or deny whether they were involved in secret German operations to create mutated Nazi penguins - however, if you go to Antarctica and find penguins giving the Hitler salute with their flippers, I think you know what's going on. For those of us in the know, the conclusion is obvious: there are Nazis in Antarctica plotting to destroy the world in 2012. QED.

End of the World Marketplace