The secrets of the 2012 catastrolypse are not all as obvious as the end of the Mayan calendar (CLICK HERE to read our detailed analysis of its portents of doom), the prophecies of Nostradamus (see here for our detailed explanation), or the graphic depictions of Himalaya-destroying tsunamis in the popular documentary film "2012". Some secrets are hidden in obscure locations and protected by layers of symbolism and arcane knowledge, concealing terrible things such as the secrets of the world's end, or the dialogue in a Dan Brown novel.
One such key to the 2012 mystery is encoded in the famed Cross of Hendaye. The Great Cross there hides a prophecy that can only be unlocked with the knowledge of medieval mysticism, alchemy, the works of shadowy occultist Fulcanelli, the philosophy of Chilaism, and possibly the Dewey Decimal System.
Located in the coastal village of Hendaye on the French/Spanish border is the Church of Saint-Vincent. Outside that church is a stone cross, rumored to have been created in Germany during the 1600s at the behest of the Rosicrucians but later moved to Hendaye in the 1800s. This may have been because someone asked the Cross whether it wanted to live in Germany or in a French resort town.
The Great Cross of Hendaye is, unusually for a Christian monument, inscribed with a variety of alchemical symbols of unknown meaning. When interpreted in a certain (i.e. "correct") way, they are believed to represent a schematic of the legendary alchemists' Philosopher's Stone and provide detailed clues to the end of the world.
The modern fame of the Cross of Hendaye is largely due to the work of "Fulcanelli," a shadowy figure purported to be a 20th century French alchemist and occult writer. (CLICK HERE to read our detailed analysis of Fulcanelli's part in the coming 2012 catastrolypse.) Using detailed knowledge of alchemy, medieval occultism and ancient texts, Fulcanelli interpreted the Cross of Hendaye as a hidden guide to the world's end.
Some researchers have called this "the great MacGuffin of human history." (As the reader doubtless knows, a "MacGuffin" is a term coined by Benjamin Franklin to mean the central object of a movie's plot which drives the action but may later turn out to be less relevant to the ensuing developments. Examples include the "Maltese Falcon" in the film of the same name or the Magic Hair Cream in "Grease.")
So what does the Cross of Hendaye really tell us? The indisputable facts are:
The cross also "hints at a 'Place of Refuge' that will be untouched by the calamities." It is believed by some scholars that this refers to Cusco, Peru; while others believe it is a very specific plot of land in El Rancho, Colorado - address available upon request - which it just coincidentally happens that you can buy at very inflated prices if you're interested.